06-31069157 info@tanjao.nl
Day 3 of 100 day Juice Fast – tomato soup for the cravings

Day 3 of 100 day Juice Fast – tomato soup for the cravings

Day 3 of 100 day Juice Fast: Tomato soup Recipe!!

In today’s video I talk about letting go of my water weight with juicing, detoxing and about my lovely, hearty and warm tomato soup. Because when the weather is wet and still a bit cold, you are juicing and maybe feeling a bit cold, what better is there to make than warm tomato soup?

This is a wonderful recipe that is hearty without salt. Because of the spices ginger and garlic, and the natural salts in celery and tomatoes AND the zing of the lemon, you absolutely guaranteed won’t miss the salt!

Tomato soup:

  • 500 grams of tomatoes
  • 400 grams of carrots
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1/2 a lemon, juiced
  • 1/2 red or yellow bell pepper
  • freshly ground black pepper,
  • some dried dill
  • 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 inch of ginger
  • a handful of fresh basil

Juice the tomatoes, carrots, celery, ginger and lemon. Then put the garlic and fresh basil INSIDE of the bell pepper and juice it. In wintertime you can heat it up until hand warm and top it off with fresh ground black pepper. I tell you how below!

Heating this soup is optional of course, but I liked it warm! To do that I put the juiced tomato soup in a pan on very low heating. You can feel the temperature with your hands while heating it and if it matches your hands, it’s the right temp! You don’t want to heat it up above hand temperature, because your soup won’t be raw anymore and lose vital nutrients.

I hope you enjoyed the video and recipe. See you tomorrow for another episode of this 100 day juice feasting journey!

Love, Tanja

Day 2 of 100 day Juice Fast

Day 2 of 100 day Juice Fast

Not hungry

At the start of day 2 yesterday’s horrible headache was completely gone and I felt fine. I started my day with a 16 ounce (halve liter) grapefruit-orange juice at ten o’clock and an hour and a half later another one of these. I added 3 oranges and 2 red grapefruits. I can honestly say that I could drink this for the rest of my life. I looooove my grapefruits!! And this combination is insanely good.

Besides of not feeling hungry, in the video I talk about my day 1 headache and my crankiness and you get to meet my chicken.

Today I am watching a lot of Joe Cross video’s. Joe is the he-man when it comes to juicing. He made the 2011 documentary Fat, sick and nearly dead, which you can view on YouTube. Just type it into the search bar. I have seen the movie four times and it is inspiring every time. So business man Joe was overweight, enjoying life with every bite of junk food, alcohol and processed foods you can imagine. Turning forty he had developed an auto immune disorder and was feeling terrible day in day out. Then he started on his 60 day juice fast reboot and made and incredibly inspiring movie about it.

I am typing this at noon and I am not hungry and feeling fine. Let’s see how the rest of this day will be and I’ll give you a heads up tomorrow morning.

If you want to follow my journey (or join me), you can subscribe to my YouTube channel Miss Pippi. If you enjoyed the video, please click like. And if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section of the video and I’ll answer them.

Love, Tanja


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